Учебно - методическая работа |
Этапы создания МП
План работы центра
Школьный экологический центр "Эйгэ" |
Опытно-экспериментальная работа |
Совет отцов
Детская организация |
Организация летней занятости |
Детская площадка
бригада "Бригантина"
ЛТО "Саhар5а" |
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Расписание уроков
элективных курсов
Элективные курсы по
классам (с 8-11кл.)
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In 2007-2008 academic year Modut secondary general agro school functions
as an agroschool of the Republican status for 7 years. Since May of 2004
our school is the candidate to the republican experimental site From
December, 12, 2003 our school is included to the Union of agroprofiled
schools by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Sakha
(Yakutia). Since 2003 our schools works as one of the fifth recourcing
centre of ulus by the career-oriented education.
Methodical theme: “Integration and cooperation of rural educational
institution with the socium of the village”.
The purpose: Education of growing up generation of love to native
country and preparation of their introduction in market economy, correct
choice by means of integration and cooperation of school with the
enterprises ulus and village.
1. To study prognosis requirement for the staff in the market of work
and educational requirements of the population.
2. To develop together with bodies of local self-management, with the
potential employers and public the plans of action on introduction of
dual education.
3. To develop the form of cooperation with educational institution with
4. To supply informational support of realization of dual education.
5. To develop parameters reflecting social-economic efficiency of dual
6. To develop and to organize the plan of action for introduction of
dual education at school.
7. To lead the monitoring of dual education.
Problem of school: Creation of educational environment promoting of
trajectories of pupils in conditions integration, cultural - educational
resources of village.
The facultative, individual and group occupations are divided into:
agro-technology profile ecology from 5-11 classes, computer science 2-9
classes, other hours are divided into educational programs; 5-6 classes
- Fine Arts, 7б class - mathematics, 9б, 11 classes - biology,
chemistry, 7а, 8, 9а, 10 classes - are divided into subjects chosen by
the pupils on translation obligatory examinations, in 8,9 classes is
planned the transition for the individual educational plan. The
individual educational plane, portfolio of the pupils are made.
Job with the teachers
39 teachers are working. Scientific - methodical job is directed by
Method Association. The methodical job consist of 9 Method Union of
teachers: Method Union of humanitarian subjects, natural - mathematical,
agro-technological, primary, pedagogical of the Arts, class chiefs,
young teachers, labor, sports cycles. The temporary creative groups
thematic of Pedagogical Consult, forms of organization of profile
training are created. The school of the young teacher works. Instructor
is organized. The club of the young teachers is organized. On
improvement of professional skill of the teachers of school are visited
6 fundamental courses, one of which on memory system and six problem
The teachers of school are developed the programs of courses:
« Bases of veterinary science», 5 - 9 classes, 10-11 classes;
« Bases of animal industries », 5 - 9 classes, 10-11 classes;
« Bases of vegetable science », 5 - 9 classes, 10-11 classes;
« Tractor driving science», with 5 - 9 classes, 10-11 classes.
« Bases of general chemistry », 11 classes;
« About our small brothers » (veterinary science), 9 classes;
« Ecology- a science of the future », 9 classes;
« You are in the answer for those whom have handed », (veterinary
science), 8 classes;
« A Chemical mosaic », 8 classes;
« Electrical engineer", 9-10 classes;
« Present me a flower », 8 classes;
« The Insects wreckers », 8 classes;
« A Crate - unit of structure and function alive organisms», 9 classes;
«Sharpness", 8 classes (computer science);
« Is programmed on Pascal», 9 classes;
« Bases of publishing technologies », 10 classes.
The general educational programs:
1. Biology from 8-11 classes;
2. Chemistry from 8 till 11 classes;
3. Computer science from 5 till 11 classes;
4. Mathematics from 5 till 11 classes;
5. Fine Arts from 5 -8 classes;
6. Russian with 7 till 10 classes:
7. Technology 8 classes.
Promotion quality of education.
School advice on realization of the priority national project of
education is created.
The mechanisms of financing on stimulation of gifted children, best
teachers, class chiefs and tutors are developed.
The plan of actions on realization of Priority directions of development
of system of Russian Federation, generalization and distribution
innovational activity on promotion quality of activity of the teacher,
class chief, administrative staff are developed.
The programs « Gifted children », « the Teacher 21 centuries » are
Constant diagnostics and monitoring of professional difficulties of the
pedagogical and administrative staff is carried out. The plan of
training of administrative structure of schools under the new forms of
management and development of mechanisms of social partnership is
The indicators of quality education and criterion of an overall
performance of the class chiefs are developed.
The programs of spychologo-pedagogical support of development learning
for formation of professional mobility of youth are developed. The
mechanisms of encouragement of the teachers learning, class chiefs,
teachers of additional education are developed.
98 % computer education of the teachers are provided, effective
utilization of the available equipment, introduction of remote
The discussion PNPE in Pedagogical Collective with the invitation of the
parents, trustees and public is organized.
Job of advice of school is made more active, trustee advice on the basis
of the social-educational contracts. With the purposes of maintenance of
an openness of educational system, attraction of public resources in an
estimation of quality of training and education.
The sociological interrogations of the parents and degree, learning with
the purpose of definition, of satisfaction by quality of given services,
rating are practiced.
The constant monitoring of increase of quality of education both
education of the education and activity of the pedagogical workers is
Profiled training.
The programs of profile training on chemistry, biology, mathematics,
agro-technological subjects will be improved.
The individual educational plan of the pupils’ 8, 9th classes is
entered. The questions of opening of a profiled professional class are
discussed on the basis of 10th classes.
16 programs of elective courses, clubs, circles are developed. Use in
educational process informational- communication technologies are
supplied. Continuity in the field of introduction of new educational
Maintenance of integration of school with lyceums colleges, High school
(dual education),
Namtsky PL. Organization of individual training of the patients of
children on the house. Perfection of job of subject studies, maintenance
by a computer class in an elementary school.
The job on realization 1 million roubles of the grant on dual education
for equipment of studies агроцикла and labour train is conducted
The exit expeditions in Nijnij- Bestyakh SGS of Megino-Cangalaski ulus
are organized. The departure in Taratski SGS is planned.
Are developed the programs of profile training on the Yakut language and
literature, Yakut national culture in 5 class. The programs "«УЬуйаан"
are developed.
Preparation of the scientific - practical staff.
Increase of a scientific - methodical level of the teachers.
Visiting of seminars of different levels. Realization of constant
diagnostics and monitoring of professional difficulties, pedagogical and
administrative staff.
Improvement of professional skill of the teachers through IECT, YSACA
(fundamental, problem courses). Is developed the plan of training of
administrative structure school under the new forms of management and
development of mechanisms of social partnership.
The support in the publication of scientific - methodical materials in
the newspapers and magazines is rendered. 98 % computer education of the
teachers, effective utilization available of the equipment is supplied.,
conducting remote education.
Continuation of job on support of receipt of the teachers in a post
graduate course andscientific recearcge, conclusion of the contracts
with HIGH SCHOOLS and Department on training of cadres.
Participation in competitions « The Teacher - the virtuoso », « A Site
of the teacher, schoolboy, chief of school, school », « A Study of
computer science », "«Mediatech", in the Russian competition « the
Director of year ». The director Gulyaev V.I. became the winner of
We participate in annual competition of efficiency industrial practice
and pre-profiled activity of village comprehensive schools working on
agro-technological structure.
Scientific management (manual) of activity of school of Small Academy of
agrycultural sciences, YSRI,YSACA.
Transformation of school library in mediatech.
Maintenance of alternative training, variety of the contents of
educational process. With computer engineering is supplied (2 computers,
copier, scanner, printer). To the Internet is connected. The databank,
tax of the author's educational programs, elective cources, reports,
scripts etc. schools is saved.
Dual education.
Development of dual education.
Promotion of competitiveness of village children at receipt in
educational institutions.
The experimental job on organization of profile training (SPC « the
Forms of profile training ») is completed.
The passages of industrial practice in MUE "«Modut", Farm Economy,
Veterinary district, agrocomplex are organized. The preparatory jobs on
reception of the license on specialities are conducted: "«Tractor
driving", "«Auto business", "«Electrical engineer" for distribution of
the documents of a state sample to the graduates.
Improvement of equipment of educational studies agrocycle, natural -
mathematical cycle. Job of the resource centre through a local network
of the Internet.
Profile training under the forms: exit training, school - bus, distant.
Psychological support of dual education.
Early diagnostics of professional bents of the pupils.
The tests for revealing individual professional bents learning 8,9,10th
classes are carried out.
Diagnostics of a professional orientation learning from 8 th of a class
job (meeting with the students, excursion on the enterprises,
educational institutions, fair of trades)
The protection of the professional plans from 9th class are entered
Improvement of professional skill of the school psychologists, social
« Social protection of the teachers ».
Improvement of social protection of the workers of education ».
Maintenance of increase of the tariffs on payment of municipal
privileges electrosupply, gasusing.
Maintenance of annual free-of-charge passage of the workers of school of
honey. Survey
Financing of the travel and municipal charges педработниками in complete
Rendering of the lumpsum material help to the beginning teachers on the
part of administration.
The conclusion of the contracts in educational establishments on a basis
улусного of the agreement between УУО and УК of trade union with the
purpose of creation both maintenance of the necessary industrial and
social attitudes(relations).
3 permits on treatment and rest are acquired.
The физкультурно-improving measures for the members of trade union are
Поддерживание of the young experts in жилищно-household conditions and
to ensure(supply) with agricultural production.
The transport services on a preferential basis to the workers of school
are given.
Are organized of seasonal measures of rest and leisure of the workers
(autumn, spring рыбалки for the men, tax of berries, подледного лова a
« Gifted children ».
Development of creative, intellectual, sports abilities of the pupils.
The list of gifted children is made. The plan of job with gifted
children on педсовете is authorized. To capture the graduates агрошколы
by preparatory rates at ЯГУ, department of education at the president РС
The curators for individual job with the pupils are nominated
Are covered with intellectual camps in years(summer) time
Participated in scientifically - practical conferences « a Step in the
future »
Is covered спецкурсами, секциями, circles of aesthetic, technical,
sports, humanitarian structures.
Participated in competitions spent by the printed editions РС (Я).
The excursions in educational institutions, enterprise are organized.
Participated in улусных, regional Olympiads.
Participated in youth republican championships on volleyball,
We participate in the Russian experiment on re-structuring the contents
of education.
Are spent into schools subject decades
The materials on variant training are developed. The work of creative
groups are created temporarily
The lesson of computer science from 5 - 11 classes is entered.
The ecology-rigion studies’ expedition "«Duluur" is organized in summer
vacation. "portfolio" of the pupils are developed.
The scientific chiefs are nominated from among the teachers, employees
of high SCHOOLS, SRI
Organizational job.
Are carried out 4 thematic pedagogical councils : « CPME, NSPW », «
Information of education», « Indicators and qualities of education », «
Dual education: experience and problems », « About bases of system of
preventive maintenance neglect and offences during educational courses
and changes, employment of the pupils out of educational by
employment(occupations) ».
3 methodical days are carried out: « The Indicator of quality of
аgroschools education»,
« Information of education », "« CPME ».
3 teachers have passed certification: Muckina I. G., teacher of Russian
Language and literature on 1 category: Kutukov N.N., teacher of physics,
Vasiliev I.I., the teacher of physical culture on a the highest
Work of material base of establishments of education.
Is transferred building of agrocycle on territory of the basic school.
The stationary base of the camp of the rest of working is under the
Creation at school of steady system on cultivation of vegetables,
potato, contents of preparations of gift of a nature.
- potato, 5 hectares
- cabbage, 2 hectares
- livestock of horned cattle 15 heads including
- milch cows -6
- нетелей -9
- sow -2
Preparation of hay - 50 tones.
Preparation of gift of a nature 0,5 tone. Construction of the hunting
log hut. Transformation of a mini-garden to park rarely plants.
deputy director on educational work : /Koryakina A.G./ |
Фотоальбом №1
Фотоальбом №2
Фотоальбом №3 |
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